Bentley S Std Saloon 1957
VIN: B39LEK545.000 SEK
Begärt prisSold The text is first in Swedish, but a little further down also in English.
Vi har fått i uppdrag att sälja denna mycket fina vänsterstyrda Bentley. Bilen såldes ny i Sverige 1957. Ett bilintresserat par köpte den i början av 1980-talet. De vårdade bilen ömt och använde den vid många klassiska bilevenemang. Efter att ha ägt den i 32 år såldes bilen till en vän. Han lämnade senare in bilen till Rohdins Classic Car AB för en renovering som startade 2018 och slutfördes 2020. Bland annat togs alla dörrar, luckor och glas ur karossen och man rostlagade några mindre partier. Därefter lackerades hela bilen och alla gummilister byttes ut mot nya. Vindrutan byttes också ut. En del krom bytes. Det fina röda original läder inredet rekonditionerades. Alla träpaneler totalrenoverades till nyskick. Bilen försågs med säkerhetsbälten. Framvagnen renoverades, bakre stötdämparna renoverades, vissa instrument och startmotorn renoverades också, den största servicen utfördes mm mm. Totalkostnaden blev cirka SKR 525.000:- När bilen skulle levereras avled tragiskt nog ägaren och dottern blev då ägare. Hon har inget intresse för den och vi säljer den åt henne för endast SKR 545.000:-
We have been commissioned to sell this very nice left-hand drive Bentley. The car was sold new in Sweden in 1957. A car-interested couple bought it in the early 1980s. They cared for the car tenderly and used it at many classic car events. After owning it for 32 years, the car was sold to a friend. He later submitted the car to Rohdins Classic Car AB for a renovation that started in 2018 and was completed in 2020. Among other things, all doors, bonet and so on and glass were removed from the bodywork and some smaller parts were rusted reperd. Then the whole car was painted and all rubber strips were replaced with new ones. The windshield was also replaced. Some chrome changes. The fine red original leather interior was reconditioned. All wooden panels were completely renovated to new condition. The car was fitted with seat belts. The front suspension was rebuilt, the rear shock absorbers were rebuilt, some instruments and the starter were also rebuilt, the main service was done, etc. The total cost was approximately SEK 525,000. When the car was to be delivered, the owner tragically died and the daughter then became the owner. She has no interest in it and we sell it for her for only SEK 545,000. Aproxely Euro 46.000 or £ 39.000
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