Volvo 142 DL, 1972
145.000 SEK
Begärt prisSold Bilen är i mycket fint skick. Den såldes ny till nuvarande ägarens pappa 1972 för 21.000:- och har alltid varit i familjen. Bilen har alltid varit i gott skick men 2004 byttes trösklarna och en skärmkant. 2008/2009 gjordes en större renovering av Rohdins Automobile Service AB. Efter att ha bytt bagagelucka, en framskärm och frontplåt hellackerades bilen i lösa bitar. De flesta blanklister, gummidetaljer, lampglas mm byttes också ut. Motorn demonterades och målades liksom motorrummet, allt till nyskick. Allt från bränslesystem till bromsar och kylarsystem renoverades samtidigt. Bilen fick också en tectylbehandling. Stolar/klädsel fick ny stoppning och rengjordes noggrant.
Detta är en av de finaste 142:or vi har sett. Mycket fakturor och historik medföljer. Mycket prisvärd för 145.000:-
The car is in a very nice condition. It was sold new to the current owner’s father in 1972 for SEK 21,000 and has always been in the family. The car has always been in good condition, but in 2004 the sills and a fender were replaced. In 2008/2009, a major renovation was done by Rohdins Automobile Service AB. After changing the boot lid, a front fender and front panel, the car was fully painted in loose pieces. Most blank strips, rubber details, lamp glass etc. were also replaced. The engine was dismantled and painted, as was the engine compartment, all to new condition. Everything from the fuel system to the brakes and cooling system was renovated at the same time. The car also received a tectyl treatment. Chairs/upholstery were reupholstered and thoroughly cleaned.
This is one of the finest 142’s we have seen. Lots of invoices and history included. Very affordable for SEK 145,000 approximately Euro 13,000.
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