Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Two Door Drop Head Coupé
by H. J. Mulliner Park Ward, 1968 VIN: CRX 6598.545.000 SEK
Begärt prisEn snygg och trevlig bil i ypperligt bruksskick. Bilen kom till Sverige 2010. Under sommaren 2018 fick bilen sin nuvarande ägare. Han tog den till Rohdins Classic Car AB för omfattande reparationer under åren 2019 – 2021. Bland annat renoverades hela hydraulik / bromssystemet. Allt från bromspumpar till nivåregleringen. Den stora 10-års servicen utfördes. Framvagnen renoverades och även fjädrar och stötdämpare byttes ut. Bakvagnen fick några nya bussningar och nya stötdämpare. Elsystemet lades det mycket jobb på allt från byte av någon el hiss-motor till generator mm. Karosseriet fick ny vindruta och gummitätningar, även många lampglas byttes ut. Ny radio och högtalare samt el-antenn monterades. AC-kompressorn byttes också ut. Alla dessa reparationer finns dokumenterade. Totalkostnaden blev cirka SEK 860.000:- !!
Bilen säljs nu till det mycket resonabla priset av SEK 545.000:- (Euro 47.500 or £40.000)
A really nice car in excellent used condition. The car came to Sweden in 2010. During the summer of 2018, the car got its current owner. He took it to Rohdins Classic Car AB for an extensive repair during the years 2019 – 2021. Among other things, the entire hydraulic / brake system was renovated. Everything from brake pumps to the level control. The big 10-year service was done. The front suspension was renovated and the springs and shock absorbers were also replaced. The rear suspension received some new bushings and new shock absorbers. A lot of work was put into the electrical system, everything from replacing an electric lift motor to a generator etc. The body received a new windshield and rubber seals, many lamp lenses were also replaced. New radio and speakers as well as electric antenna were installed. The AC compressor was also replaced. All these repairs are documented. The total cost was approximately SEK 860,000 !!
The car is now being sold at the very reasonable price of SEK 545,000. (Euro 47.500 or £40.000)
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